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Valkor is a vertically integrated project development company in the fields of Oil, Gas and Minerals. We develop and execute projects aimed toward making hydrocarbons green and socially beneficial. But we are not a contractor: we are your partner. We align our interests with the client through shared risk and equity participation for both public and private ventures.
Expert Drilling for Oil & Gas
We specialize in shallow heavy oil, coal bed methane, and conventional gas drilling. We can manage third party drilling, workovers, and other operations or perform them with our owned equipment. Current projects include Utah Heavy Oil, Turkish Coal Bed Methane, and Ukrainian conventional gas (on hold).

Expert Production
Our crews are highly experienced with a wide range of capabilities for operating oil, gas, brine, wells and plants. We largely brought our senior personnel from the offshore industry due to the higher level of professionalism and independence.
Worldwide Logistics Experts
To service our exploration, drilling and production operations, we have full capacity for worldwide logistics. We maintain sourcing of new, used and refurbished equipment from vendors worldwide. We have worked extensively in Africa, Asia, and Latin America but with a domestic focus

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